Bike Tour to Holy Island, Lindisfarne
聖島, 係基督宗教傳入英國嘅一個重要地方, 對於英國歷史文化以及宗教都有重要價值。 公元634年,St. Adian 設立了一個修道院培訓在英格蘭傳教嘅神職人員。 修道院後來被維京人破壞,現在仍然保存了當日嘅遺跡。 呢個地方除咗因為擁有深厚嘅歷史同文化價值外, 令人覺得吸引嘅地方仲有在水漲嘅時候會完全被海水覆蓋嘅小島連接公路, 小島因為咁而與外隔絕。 到島內遊覽嘅人, 必須要在水漲前離開。 雖然政府已經作出種種勸告,叫前往聖島人士留意潮汐漲退時間, 據資料顯示平均每月都有一宗車輛被困潮水而需要警方以橡皮艇前往救援的求助。
Lindisfarne – also known as Holy Island – is one of the most important centres of early Christianity in England. Irish monks settled here in AD 635 and the monastery became the centre of pilgrimage of Celtic Christiainisty celebrating its bishop, St. Cuthbert.
The monastery was destroyed by Vikings and the well preserved ruins served as a major attraction on the island. Crossing the causeway linking Lindisfarne and the mainland is a spectacular experience, a journey that will stay in your memory forever. During high tides, the causeway will be flooded and the road to Holy Island will be blocked, because of that all visitors need to go back to the mainland before the road is blocked by the tides.
Although there are warnings from the council that visitors should check the time of causeway floods at high tide before crossing, it is reported that one car is trapped per month and needed rescue by the police.
活動詳情 / Details:
日期 / Date:25/10/2022 ( 星期二 / Tuesday )
時間 / Time:09:30 - 13:30
地點 / Location:Holy Island, Lindisfarne, Northumberland
活動形式 / Mode:
單車團,單車自備 需自行前往集合地點集合
Bike tour, please prepare your own bicycles.
You need to go by yourself to the gathering site
行程 / Itinerary:
09:00:集合 / Gather at: Barn at Beal Restaurant and Campsite TD15 2PB
出發,單車前往聖島,約40分鐘 / Set off, cycling to Holy Island, about 40 mins
10:30 - 11:30:聖島參觀古蹟 / Visit Lindisfarne heritage site
11:30 - 12:00:午餐 / Lunch
12:00:回程 / Return, about 40 mins
語言 / Language: 香港話 / Hongkongese
名額 / Capacity:10
報名方法 / Registration: https://forms.gle/MzQJFc2yemn4hbRM6
費用 / Cost:免費 / Free
截止登記時間 / Deadline for registration:20/10/2022
查詢 / Enquiries:Adrian Leung 地區外展主任(英格蘭東北) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (Northeast England) [email protected]
Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy.
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Oct 25 - 🏝聖島單車團 🚲 Bike Tour to Holy Island, Lindisfarne
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