🇨🇦 加拿大保守黨副黨魁要求檢視為香港人循香港救生艇申請永久居留權而設的特快處理

文章: 19997
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

🇨🇦 加拿大保守黨副黨魁要求檢視為香港人循香港救生艇申請永久居留權而設的特快處理

文章 emily »

🇨🇦 加拿大保守黨副黨魁、香港監察贊助人Melissa Lantsman MP和影子移民部長Tom Kmiec MP去信移民部長,要求檢視為香港人循香港救生艇申請永久居留權而設的特快處理(priority processing)服務,並表達對社運人士的支持。
🇨🇦 Melissa Lantsman MP, Deputy Leader of 🇨🇦 Conservative Party and a Patron of Hong Kong Watch, and Tom Kmiec MP, Shadow Immigration Minister, wrote to the Immigration Minister, demanding a review of the priority processing service for Hong Kongers applying for permanent residency via the Hong Kong Pathway and expressing support for pro-democracy activists.

Reposted from @melissalantsman
Pro-democracy activists from Hong Kong are unfairly falling through the cracks of our immigration system, after they had been promised priority processing from the Liberal government.

@tomkmiec and I wrote to the Minister of Immigration. Look out for a response.
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