【LinkedIn 網上講座 x 一對一咨詢時間】

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【LinkedIn 網上講座 x 一對一咨詢時間】

文章 emily »

【LinkedIn 網上講座 x 一對一咨詢時間】
但如果你未用過LinkedIn,又或者開左好少用,甚至唔多識用?無有怕!HK Aid幫緊你,幫緊你!嚟緊將會有LinkedIn 網上講座,同大家一齊傾下講下,了解下點樣寫好LinkedIn profile,執好個CV同e-portfolio!
LinkedIn 網上講座
📅邊日: 11月6號 (禮拜日)
⏰時間: 下晝4點至6點 (英國時間)/夜晚11點至上晝1點 (香港時間)
📍喺邊: Google meet (aka 你屋企)
👥名額: 40 (LinkedIn 網上講座),先到先得
📅邊日: 11月7-10號 (禮拜一至四)
⏰時間: 約夜晚7點半至10點 (夜晚7點半至7點55分/夜晚8點至8點25分/夜晚8點半至8點55分/夜晚9點至9點25分/夜晚9點半至9點55分) (英國時間)
📍喺邊: Google meet (aka 你屋企)
👥名額: 20 (一對一諮詢時間),先到先得,參加左LinkedIn 網上講座嘅朋友仔可優先報名。
👫對象: 無全職就業經驗 / 剛畢業 / 仲讀緊書嘅朋友仔
🛠點報名?填好張form 👉🏻 https://forms.gle/Tj194SSqvRhSqahd8
❓如有任何問題歡迎pm我哋: tgid @linkedinwebinar
[LinkedIn webinar x One-to-one consultation sessions]
It is very popular for people using LinkedIn during job search in the UK, for introducing the past working experiences and qualifications to the potential employers and the HR administrators, when they are looking for suitable candidates for certain vacancies.
If you have never used LinkedIn before; or you seldom use it even if you have created your own LinkedIn account, and you are unfamiliar with this platform, no worries, HK Aid is helping you! We will host a LinkedIn webinar, to briefly introduce how to write a suitable and powerful Linkedin profile, CV and e-portfolio!
Doubting if you can handle it even after the webinar? Feeling so confused? No worries! Actions speak louder than words, being a considerate fellow, we offer one-to-one consultation sessions too. We can have a look on your LinkedIn profile together and polish it together.
LinkedIn webinar
📅Date: 6 Nov 2022 (Sun)
⏰Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (UK Time) / 11:00 pm - 01:00 am (HK Time)
📍Where: Google meet (aka your HOME)
👥Capacity: 40 (LinkedIn webinar), RSVP
One-to-one consultation sessions (25 mins per session)
📅Date: 7-10 Nov 2022 (Mon to Thurs)
⏰Time: Around 7:30pm - 10:00pm (7:30pm - 7:55pm / 8:00pm - 8:25pm / 8:30pm - 8:55pm / 9:00pm - 9:25pm / 9:30pm - 9:55pm)(英國時間)
📍喺邊: Google meet (aka your HOME)
👥Capacity: 20 (one-to-one consultation sessions), RSVP, priority will be given to participants of the LinkedIn webinar.
👫Targets: Participants with no full-time working experience / Fresh Grads / Students
🛠How to join? Please fill in the form 👉🏻 https://forms.gle/y1MY9mpLsDF1dMWv9
❓When you have any question, please PM us at: tgid @linkedinwebinar
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