【Twitter Space Panel — Business Not as Usual: Hong Kong’s Whitewashing Finance Summit】

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註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

【Twitter Space Panel — Business Not as Usual: Hong Kong’s Whitewashing Finance Summit】

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【Twitter Space Panel — Business Not as Usual: Hong Kong’s Whitewashing Finance Summit】
The Hong Kong government is hosting a Hong Kong Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit (GFLIS) on November 1-3. Major U.S. financial institutions are invited to speak at the panels and meet with U.S.-sanctioned Hong Kong officials.
HKDC’s latest research, Business Not as Usual: International Companies in the New Authoritarian Hong Kong, documents instances of corporate misbehavior in Hong Kong. 3 CEOs have dropped out of the HKGLIS since the release of our report. We are calling for all major financial institutions to #CanceltheTrip.
Against the backdrop of the GFLIS, HKDC will be hosting Twitter Space virtual panel, “Business Not as Usual: Hong Kong’s Whitewashing Finance Summit,” on November 1, 10 a.m. EST. The panel will feature the following speakers:
Anna Kwok | Strategy and Campaign Director at the Hong Kong Democracy Council
Brian Kern | Lead Researcher at the Hong Kong Democracy Council
Samuel Bickett | Fellow at the Georgetown Center for Asian Law
Joey Siu | Hong Kong Activist
Mark Clifford | President at the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation
Support HKDC at https://bit.ly/3AIwg3h
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