Texas Elementary School Shooting Victims Fundraising

文章: 20005
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Texas Elementary School Shooting Victims Fundraising

文章 emily »


We The Hongkongers聯乘香港藝術家 miiasoey 為五月發生於德州的校園槍擊案受害者家屬籌款

Fundraiser page: https://www.bonfire.com/hongkongers-shirt-for-uvalde-1


100% of the proceeding will go to the Texas Elementary School Shooting Victims Fund created by VictimsFirst, a network of families of the deceased and survivors from over two decades of previous mass shootings. The organization ensures "100% of what is collected goes DIRECTLY to the victim base of the Texas Elementary School Shooting, so the victims’ families and those wounded/injured are protected from fraud and exploitation."
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