🎉🎄🎁 【🎉又到聖誕,又到聖誕🎶🎸】 呢個 #歡樂時刻,梗係要約你、妳、仲有您一齊開個 #派對慶祝 🎉

文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

🎉🎄🎁 【🎉又到聖誕,又到聖誕🎶🎸】 呢個 #歡樂時刻,梗係要約你、妳、仲有您一齊開個 #派對慶祝 🎉

文章 emily »


呢個 #歡樂時刻,梗係要約你、妳、仲有您一齊開個 #派對慶祝 🎉

我們預備咗 –
• 充滿回憶嘅 #經典派對小食
• 大人細路都要玩嘅集體遊戲
• 聖誕小勞作
• 小朋友交換禮物
🎅 VIP 見面會

🎉✨ Ho, ho, ho! It’s that time of the year again ~ Christmas is around the corner, and we’re throwing a festive bash that’s too good to miss! 🎉🎅

Join us for a jolly good time filled with laughter, delicious treats, and all-around holiday cheer! 🎁⭐ ��We’ve got classic party snacks, fun parent-child games, festive crafts, a magical children’s gift exchange and of course the VIP guest visit.

日期 Date 📆:12月14日
時間 Time 🕛:2-4pm
地點 Location 📍: 42986 Osgood Road, Fremont, CA

1位成人+1位兒童 1 adult+1 kid: $10
額外每位成人或兒童 Additional adult/kid: $5 each

🎄🎁 In celebrating Christmas!🎅✨

手快有手慢冇 RSVP required 🪧
https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/w ... iday-party
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