
文章: 20026
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am


文章 emily »


喺列斯某一間醫院入面,一件又一件血腥事件接二連三發生......  📰本地人絕口不提,究竟係佢哋唔想提起,定係大家都有份參與其中? 作為初嚟報到嘅我哋,如果唔想成為下一個受害者,似乎唯一可行嘅辦法係深入呢間血腥醫院,解開佢背後神祕嘅面紗....🔍

日期: 27/10/2024 (星期日)
集合地點:Leeds Art Gallery
活動內容:5人一組 (可自行組隊,或由大會組隊),喺列斯市中心解題並尋找線索,鬥快到達終點及解開謎團。

快啲Scan QR Code 或者㩒呢條link報名啦:https://forms.gle/Jo5PtetN2vBN9RSg9

At one of the hospitals in Leeds, a series of gruesome events has unfolded... 📰 The locals refuse to speak about it—are they too frightened, or could they be involved in these horrific crimes? As newcomers to this city, what can we do to avoid becoming the next victims? Perhaps uncovering the truth behind these mysterious events is our only way out...🔍

Date: 27/10/2024 (Sunday)
Gathering Point: Leeds Art Gallery
Time: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Details: Teams of 5 (you may register with your own team, or we can assign you to a random group) will search for clues and solve puzzles around Leeds City Centre. The fastest team to reach the destination and solve the mystery will be declared the winner.
Prize: The winning team will receive a £50 cash prize.

Register here: https://forms.gle/Jo5PtetN2vBN9RSg9
