Birmingham HongKongers will hold a assembly on July 16

文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Birmingham HongKongers will hold a assembly on July 16

文章 emily »

21st July, 2019 was a unsleepable night to HongKongers

Birmingham HongKongers will hold a assembly on July 16 (Saturday), we hope to take this opportunity to explain to more people what HongKongers experienced that day

1. Making Origami Umbrella / Write letters to 721 related people
2. Use the umbrellas to connect with locals and explain why we making origami umbrellas
3. Distribute leaflet to explain 721 with the umbrellas
4. Get more people to follow Birmingham HongKongers, lay a solid foundation for larger cultural and publicity activities in the future, and achieve the effect of blooming everywhere

We will provide origami teaching videos and leaflet softcopy in advance for you to prepare as a priority. We hope to achieve the goal of "all people participation" by bringing your own origami materials and leaflet, and explaining the event to the local people in person.

If you are interested in helping us, welcome to join at 16 July.

Origami Umbrella Tutorial:

Prepare supplies:
- Origami paper (see the attached picture in the comment)/scissors/cutters
- Letter papers and ballpoint pen (if necessary to write a letter)
- Coloring pens (for children)


我哋Birmingham HongKongers將會喺7月16號舉辦集會(如遇天雨將會延至一星期後嘅7月23號),除咗提醒大家唔好忘記呢一日之外,仲希望可以借助今次機會,向更多本地人講解究竟香港人當日經歷過乜嘢


1. 摺紙雨傘/寫信畀721相關在囚手足
2. 利用紙雨傘向本地人打開話題,解釋點解我哋會摺紙雨傘
3. 派發Leaflet講解721嘅事情
4. 令更多本地人follow本組織,替往後更大型文宣活動打好基礎,達致遍地開花嘅效果

本組織將會預先提供摺紙教學影片,以及Leaflet softcopy畀各位優先準備,希望透過各位香港人自備摺紙物資同leaflet,以及親身向本地人講解事件,達致「全民參與」嘅目的。我哋亦已經準備咗一套技巧,到時在場嘅義工會教導大家點樣可以用簡單嘅英文,向本地人講解leaflet上嘅內容



- 摺紙用紙(見comment附圖)/較剪/𠝹刀
- 信紙及原子筆(如需要寫信)
- 顏色筆(小朋友用)


文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Re: Birmingham HongKongers will hold a assembly on July 16

文章 emily »

From: Birmingham Hongkongers


Today’s been a busy day for Cannon Hill Park. Coincided with the crickets finals alongside temporary road closures and diversions, parking space ran out quickly. Our heartfelt thanks for those who made it and joined us today.🙏🏻

Reminiscing how participants plucked up their courage in the last session and shared their thoughts and emotions of moving into the UK, we were so touched by the uplifting messages conveyed and support lent. In particular, all participants were willing to stay after the three-year anniversary memorial service of 721 incident and sat for the seminar on how to approach locals and tactfully share the story of Hong Kong.



Hitherto, as long as we are motivated to take part in any upcoming activities and arm ourselves with necessary knowledge and skills, our movement will bloom and blossom like flowers. We are gonna be the winner. Democracy will and may prevail.

HongKongers, fighting 💪🏻

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文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Re: Birmingham HongKongers will hold a assembly on July 16

文章 emily »

Post on IG @birmingham.hongkongers


Reminiscing how participants plucked up their courage in the last session and shared their thoughts and emotions of moving into the UK, we were so touched by the uplifting messages conveyed and support lent. In particular, all participants were willing to stay after the three-year anniversary memorial service of 721 incident and sat for the seminar on how to approach locals and tactfully share the story of Hong Kong.


HongKongers, fighting 💪🏻

#birmingham #在英港人 #離散港人 #集會
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2022-07-17 12.14.35.jpg (275.5 KiB) 已瀏覽 2333 次
