諾定咸義賣 | Fundraising sale

文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

諾定咸義賣 | Fundraising sale

文章 emily »

義賣 | Fundraising sale

過去一年NSWHK 在諾定咸舉辦了大大小小的抗爭活動。目的是令當地人明白香港現狀,取得他們的支持。當中涉及印刷宣傳單張、購買器材、租借場地等都需要動用資金。惟上年度籌得的款項已不足以維持未來基本營運資金,NSWHK現決定重啟義賣,敬請多多支持。詳情如下:

義賣期:即日起至8月5日 (中午12時)
付款方式:只收現金 (僅限面交, 面交詳情將於稍後公佈)

* 請留意,我們只接受義賣期內的訂單,請在義賣期內退回訂購單。 訂單確認後會通知你。
* 光時旗,香港旗及Hoodie 因貨期關系,只會印有限數量,下單後會有專人聯絡你是否已經成功購買。請確保你的聯絡號碼及TG account 是否正確。

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文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Re: 諾定咸義賣 | Fundraising sale

文章 emily »

Over the past year, NSWHK has held various protests in Nottingham intending to explain the current situation in Hong Kong to locals and gain their support. All the funds raised in the previous year have been used in printing leaflets, buying equipment, renting venues, etc., In order to maintain events in the future, NSWHK has decided to restart the fundraising sale. Hopefully we could have your support. Details are as follows:

Sale Period: From now on until 5 Aug (12 noon)
Payment Method: CASH ONLY (COLLECTION ONLY, Details for collection would be announced later)

* Please be aware that we only accept orders in the sale period, please return the ordering form within the sale period. You will be informed once the order is confirmed.
* Please note that flag and hoodie will be limited, we will confirm you once you have ordered. Please confirm your contact number and Telegram account name are correct.

Link : https://forms.gle/CHmxDC4TCTqzYfSR9
