Nathan Law’s parents and brother were interrogated the day after Hong Kong Police announced a bounty for him and 7 other

文章: 19531
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Nathan Law’s parents and brother were interrogated the day after Hong Kong Police announced a bounty for him and 7 other

文章 emily »

#英文 #港聞
Nathan Law’s parents and brother were interrogated the day after Hong Kong Police announced a bounty for him and 7 others.

Many people questioned the effectiveness for the bounty since many cities have ended extradition with Hong Kong when National Security Law was passed. However, arresting Nathan Law’s relatives in Hong Kong surprised a lot of people.

Since Nathan Law has left Hong Kong to United Kingdom, he announced he has disconnected with his family and will not contact them in the future. However, this move has failed to keep his family safe.

Nathan Law is accused for the crime of inciting secession and colluding with foreign countries or foreign forces to endanger national security.


🍎蘋果報料熱線: @Appledailyhk_bot
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