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23/10/2022 💥請大家一齊來街站💥——聲援10月16日被曼城中共領事館官員襲擊嘅手足

發表於 : 週三 10月 19, 2022 7:27 pm
日期:23/10/2022 (星期日)
地點:Fargate, Sheffield City Centre
❗❗ Urgent Calling❗❗
Street station--On 16/10 outside Chinese Consulate in Manchester, there was a peaceful protest against Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. Half a dozen consulate generals and officers trashed the protest signs, illegally captured and dragged a protestor into the consulate area and brutally beaten him up. A brave and righteous police officer entered the consulate and assisted other protestors to save the victim. At least four of the assaulters were identified as Chinese consulate ambassadors and officers.
We will not tolerate this barbarian and ridiculous mistreat to anyone. Come out and support Hongkongers, sign the joint statement to condemn the Chinese Consulate in Manchester!
Date: 23/10(Sun)
Time: 13:00-15:00
Place: Fargate, Sheffield city centre
#Sheffield #香港人集結 #曼城 #Manchester #捍衛港人陣線 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患#fightforfreedom #standwithhk #manchester #chinazi
#chineseconsulate #standwithhongkong #boycottchina @bristolstandswithhongkong