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發表於 : 週二 10月 08, 2024 8:06 pm
美國好多公司都會提供gift matching,每間公司嘅gift matching細節唔同。呢啲公司透過員工Benefit portal或者特定合作平台 (Fidelity, Benevity.org) 嚟簡化捐款過程。以下只係一啲知名公司, 小編工作嘅中小企, 都有同樣嘅計劃!
Technology Companies:
Microsoft – Matches employee donations up to $15,000 per year.
Apple – Matches employee donations on a dollar-for-dollar basis up to $10,000 annually.
Google – Matches employee donations up to $10,000 per year.
Cisco – Matches donations up to $10,000 per year, including for volunteer hours.
Intel – Matches up to $10,000 per employee per year, including for volunteer time.
Salesforce – Offers up to $5,000 in donation matching per year.
Financial Institutions:
Bank of America – Matches up to $5,000 annually for employees.
Goldman Sachs – Matches employee donations at a 1:1 ratio up to $20,000 per year.
JP Morgan Chase – Matches donations up to $1,000 per employee annually.
American Express – Matches donations up to $8,000 annually.
Morgan Stanley – Matches up to $4,000 annually.
Consumer Goods and Retail:
Walmart – Matches employee contributions up to $10,000 per year.
Coca-Cola – Matches up to $10,000 annually.
Johnson & Johnson – Matches donations up to $10,000 per year.
General Electric (GE) – Offers a 1:1 match up to $5,000 per year.
The Home Depot – Matches up to $3,000 annually per employee.
Professional Services and Consulting:
Deloitte – Matches up to $10,000 per year.
PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) – Matches donations up to $1,000 annually.
EY (Ernst & Young) – Matches up to $12,000 per year for charitable donations.
Other Notable Companies:
ExxonMobil – Matches donations at a 3:1 ratio for educational institutions, up to $7,500 annually.
Chevron – Matches up to $10,000 annually.
Boeing – Matches employee donations dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000.
Starbucks – Matches donations up to $1,500 annually.
Disney – Matches donations up to $25,000 per year for eligible non-profits.

Re: 第四屆嘅HKPN獎學金繼續接受捐款!

發表於 : 週二 10月 15, 2024 4:02 pm
第四屆HKPN獎學金 Scholarship現正接受捐款!

過去三屆HKPN獎學金由HKPN的核心成員和友好贊助,共籌得二萬多美元的獎學金給予在美加的香港學生, 以表彰他們的專業和學術成就、領導能力、抱負、遠見、及對香港社區的貢獻。
今年HKPN繼續與Students For Hong Kong 和港學者聯盟(HKCAN) 合作籌辦。目標金額為$10,500美元,給予三名獎學金得獎者各$3,500元。