David Lammy出訪中國,將關注黎智英案件?

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David Lammy出訪中國,將關注黎智英案件?

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David Lammy出訪中國,將關注黎智英案件?

外務大臣大衛·蘭米(David Lammy)訪問中國,外界猜測他會「提出」黎智英的案件。黎智英,作為英國公民,自四年前在香港入獄以來尚未完成多次審判。儘管外務部要求對其進行領事訪問,中國以不承認雙重國籍為由拒絕,違反1997年英中協議。



David Lammy's Visit to China: Will He Address Jimmy Lai's Case?

As Foreign Secretary David Lammy visits China, speculation grows about whether he will 'raise' Jimmy Lai's case. Lai, a British citizen, has been imprisoned in Hong Kong for four years without completing his trials. The Foreign Office's request for consular access was denied by China, citing non-recognition of dual citizenship, violating the 1997 Anglo-Hong Kong Agreement.

Lai faces charges under the National Security Law and is in solitary confinement at 76, with deteriorating health. Recently, a Hong Kong appeals panel rejected his appeal, claiming his treatment does not violate fundamental human rights, highlighting the pressure on the Hong Kong judiciary.

As the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation states, Lammy has the chance to be a true statesman and should urge the international community to pay attention!

#黎智英 #JimmyLai #香港 #HongKong #人權 #HumanRights #英國 #UK #自由 #Freedom

https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why ... jimmy-lai/

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