鄧棨然弟弟指,官方網站都有交代鄧棨然的狀況,之前更新到 5 月 17 日,交代他在獄中扣分、加分以及開支,到今日再查閱發現「原來18號更新咗」,亦令他感到意外,「佢正常應該每個月更新一次,7 月頭,7 月 15 都睇過無更新,咁啱 18 號又再更新」,而更新內容就是有關鄧棨然對上兩個月都有扣分以及獄中開支等。
十二港人 - 鄧棨然 失去聯絡
Re: 十二港人 - 鄧棨然 失去聯絡
思想教育不合格 被處罰
#12港人 中的 #鄧棨然,早前因在內地「組織他人偷渡越境」罪成而被判監3年,目前仍在廣東從化監獄服刑,正接受「#勞動改造」及「#教育改造」。鄧棨然家人早前透露由2月起已收不到鄧棨然的任何信件,失去聯絡。兩次寄信易被打回頭「打回頭」。事件經傳媒廣泛報道、家人亦向入境處求助,內地監獄網上系統昨日終於更新鄧棨然資訊。
Source: IG/FB @boomheadhk
思想教育不合格 被處罰
#12港人 中的 #鄧棨然,早前因在內地「組織他人偷渡越境」罪成而被判監3年,目前仍在廣東從化監獄服刑,正接受「#勞動改造」及「#教育改造」。鄧棨然家人早前透露由2月起已收不到鄧棨然的任何信件,失去聯絡。兩次寄信易被打回頭「打回頭」。事件經傳媒廣泛報道、家人亦向入境處求助,內地監獄網上系統昨日終於更新鄧棨然資訊。
Source: IG/FB @boomheadhk
Re: 十二港人 - 鄧棨然 失去聯絡
Chinese Prison Penalises Hongkonger for "Failing" Mindset, Lawyer: May Loss Communication Right
#TangKaiYin, one of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who tried to flee to Taiwan but was captured by the Chinese authorities, is serving a prison sentence in Conghua in China.
His family in Hong Kong said they had not received any letters from him since February, 2022, and he did not collect letters sent to him.
Tang's brother checked the prison's online system yesterday and found that Tang still has a few transactions in June and July, 2021. But his prison score was deducted twice for "violating the rule," including "failing to pass the ideological, cultural and technical learning assessment for that month."
A China human rights lawyer, who has assisted these 12 Hongkongers, told #InMedia that prisoners who are not willing to plead guilty or "accept the mind conversion" might be forbidden from receiving letters and may be further deprived of consumption or communication rights.
According to the lawyer's analysis, not receiving letters, in this case, may not be related to plead of guilt, as Tang had already been sentenced earlier. It is more likely because he doesn't change his mind, "something like indoctrination, perhaps some kind of non-cooperation," he said.
In addition, prisoners sent to prison hospitals due to illness or physical punishment would not be allowed to receive or write letters, "It is also possible that he cannot write letters because of his health condition," the lawyer explained.
Source: InMedia #Jul28
#12Hongkongers #China #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliceState #HumanRights #ThoughtPolice
Chinese Prison Penalises Hongkonger for "Failing" Mindset, Lawyer: May Loss Communication Right
#TangKaiYin, one of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who tried to flee to Taiwan but was captured by the Chinese authorities, is serving a prison sentence in Conghua in China.
His family in Hong Kong said they had not received any letters from him since February, 2022, and he did not collect letters sent to him.
Tang's brother checked the prison's online system yesterday and found that Tang still has a few transactions in June and July, 2021. But his prison score was deducted twice for "violating the rule," including "failing to pass the ideological, cultural and technical learning assessment for that month."
A China human rights lawyer, who has assisted these 12 Hongkongers, told #InMedia that prisoners who are not willing to plead guilty or "accept the mind conversion" might be forbidden from receiving letters and may be further deprived of consumption or communication rights.
According to the lawyer's analysis, not receiving letters, in this case, may not be related to plead of guilt, as Tang had already been sentenced earlier. It is more likely because he doesn't change his mind, "something like indoctrination, perhaps some kind of non-cooperation," he said.
In addition, prisoners sent to prison hospitals due to illness or physical punishment would not be allowed to receive or write letters, "It is also possible that he cannot write letters because of his health condition," the lawyer explained.
Source: InMedia #Jul28
#12Hongkongers #China #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliceState #HumanRights #ThoughtPolice