#China's ambassador to #France says #Taiwanese will be 'reeducated' after annexation

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註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

#China's ambassador to #France says #Taiwanese will be 'reeducated' after annexation

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#China's ambassador to #France says #Taiwanese will be 'reeducated' after annexation

//China's Ambassador to France Lu Shaye (盧沙野) on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 claimed that Beijing would impose reeducation after it annexes Taiwan, drawing international criticism, including denouncements by Uyghur activists.

During an interview with French station #BFMTV to discuss U.S. House Speaker #NancyPelosi's visit to Taiwan, Lu described her trip as an “unnecessary provocation” that had “created a lot of danger." He claimed that China's live-fire drills were "responding to a provocation" — alluding to Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.

Referring to Taiwanese aversion to Chinese annexation, Lu said: “Ten years ago, 20 years ago, the majority of the population of Taiwan was for reunification, but why, now, are they against it? It’s because the Democratic Progressive Party has spread a lot of anti-Chinese propaganda."

However, according to the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University, there has never been a majority of Taiwanese who supported unification since polls began on the question in 1994.

Lu then said the possibility of a military invasion of Taiwan "is still there" but added the assault would "not be against the population of Taiwan." He then vowed that "after reunification, we will do reeducation."

The ambassador said the reeducation campaign would be peaceful and "not under threat." He then tried to reassure Taiwanese that it would not take the form of "mass" education.//

Read the full article:

Source: Taiwan News #Aug3
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