
文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am


文章 emily »

【HKDC is Recruiting Fall Interns and Fellows!】



有興趣報名參與今次實習或研究計劃的朋友,需要參與為期最少兩個半月的秋季計劃,並且為我們團隊的處理日常行政丶會議籌備、政策匯報,及活動計劃等的工作。今次實習機會詳細待遇將會在面試期間商討。有興趣的人士需要在8月25日之前,將自己的履歷表及相關資訊電郵給 [email protected],我們將會連繫應徵者並進行面試。

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文章: 19634
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Re: 【HKDC招募秋季實習生及研究生】

文章 emily »

See more about the position at https://bit.ly/3JQDBAB.

We are now recruiting fall interns and fellows in 2022 to assist with our work under four main pillars: educational outreach, community empowerment, policy advocacy, and political communicaiton. We are looking for enthusiastic and highly-motivated candidates who identify with our mission.

As an intern or fellow, your duties and responsibilities may include preparing policy briefings; tracking developments in Hong Kong, U.S.-China relations, and the broader Indo-Pacific region; organizing public and private events; contributing to research projects and reports; drafting monthly newsletters and political communication materials; carrying out administrative tasks; managing social media accounts; building solidarity with Taiwanese, Tibetan, Uyghur, and other groups; and engaging with legislators, policymakers, and nonprofit stakeholders in Washington.

Interested applicants should submit your resume and other required materials by August 25 to [email protected]. We will contact qualified applicants to set up an interview.

For applicants who are concerned with the security issues in affiliation with HKDC, a sanctioned organization by the CCP, we are open to discussing viable measures to protect your identity.
