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Haven Assistance 避風驛「救命手冊」

發表於 : 週三 6月 22, 2022 2:49 am
https://havenassistance.medium.com/%E6% ... 5d8eec0dbb

由於香港政治局勢急速轉變, 這本「救命手冊」顯得特別重要。 本手冊專門為香港人設計, 包含成功申請英國庇護的經驗結晶, 起飛之後請務必熟讀保命。 Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 x Hong Kong ARC

Due to the rapid changes of the political situation in Hong Kong, this “life-saving manual” is particularly important. This handbook is specially designed for Hongkongers and contains the successful experience of claiming asylum in the UK. Please be sure to familiarise with the rules yourself after setting off.