4/16 - 正義迴廊將會於Arizona 上映喇!

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4/16 - 正義迴廊將會於Arizona 上映喇!

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The Sparring Partner | 正義迴廊將會於Arizona 上映喇!
由翁子光監製、何爵天執導的《正義迴廊》靈感來自2013年一宗轟動全港的「逆子弒親案」,舞台劇演員麥沛東首次領銜演出電影,便贏得第 46 屆香港國際電影節 - 新秀電影競賽 (華語) 「最佳男演員」! 新導演何爵天向高難度挑戰,法庭對峙、奇案重組、《十二怒漢》12 ANGRY MEN (1957) 等場面精彩刺激,演員之多,敘事之繁瑣,突破近年港產片格局。
故事主要敘述,張顯宗(楊偉倫 飾)聯同友人唐文奇 (麥沛東 飾) 於公寓住所內殘忍殺害父母,並且進行了可怕的肢解。就在案件進入法庭審訊程序之時,被起訴的二人皆否認謀殺的罪名,同時兩位資深大律師由吳冠峰(林海峰 飾)和遊嘉莉(蘇玉華 飾)分別代表二人在法庭上進行辯護。
Based on actual events: in 2013, Henry Cheung collaborated with a friend to murder and dismember his parents. While the case may have looked simple on the surface, the truth proved to be increasingly difficult to untangle. As the defendants take on the distinct personas of the scheming genius and the naive, simple-minded victim of circumstances in court, the nine jury members must wrestle with their own conceptions of right and wrong as two men’s lives lay in the balance.
~活動詳情 Event Details~
日期 Date: 2023/04/16 Sunday
時間 Time: 2 PM
地點 Venue: : Pollack Cinemas in Royal Palm Plaza
地址 Address: 1825 E Elliot Rd, Tempe, AZ 85284
活動收費 Fee: $26(每人/ per person)/ �泊車 Parking: 免費 Free
語言 Language: Cantonese(with English subtitles)
Ticket: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../phoenix- ... -screening...
*Movie rated R.*
*Guests under 17 must be accompanied by a guardian who is 21 or older
不設劃位 | 先到先得 | 不設退款
No Assigned Seating | First Come First Serve Seating | Non-refundable
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