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紐卡素友誼節 Newcastle Friendship Festival

發表於 : 週日 5月 14, 2023 7:50 pm
Newcastle Friendship Festival

五月尾的初夏,我們誠邀你與親朋戚友在紐卡素和其他香港和英國本地朋友一起相聚!當日除了有香港特色活動如攤位遊戲、香港獨立藝術家Catherine Li和區內小朋友的表演,還有港式小食和在英生活資訊簡介等等。請透過 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/newcastl ... 7090613637 報名,到時見!

It's early summer and what’s better than getting together, having fun and meeting new friends? Come join us for game stalls, Hong Kong style snacks, performances (by Hong Kong independent artist Catherine Li and kids in the region) and useful information about living in the UK. Don’t miss this out and sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/newcastl ... 7090613637.