11/10/2022 和你傾下計 學英文 Chit Chat with locals

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11/10/2022 和你傾下計 學英文 Chit Chat with locals

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和你傾下計 學英文
Chit Chat with locals
初到英國,缺乏信心和本地人溝通?擔心自己英文差找不到工作?英國港僑協會明白初到埗香港人的需要,特意邀請 Saint Stephen’s Church 的本地義工和大家練習英語對話。由於第一期的英文班大獲好評,現正開辦第二期,希望更多香港人能夠受惠。
Worried about having conversations with locals? Fear of losing a job offer because you struggle with conversational English? HKB has invited local volunteers from Saint Stephen’s Church to meet with Hongkongers and listen to your needs in improving English.
In the first round of the event, we have received a lot of positive feedback so now we are bringing you the second round, benefiting more Hong Kong new arrivals.
Regular practice sessions will be organised after the first meeting, so you will have more opportunities to practice conversational English, to build up your confidence and to meet more friends.
活動詳情 / Details:
日期 / Date:11/10/2022 ( 星期二 / Tuesday )
時間 / Time:10:30 - 12:00 ( 英國時間 / UK Time )
地點 / Location:Saint Stephen Church, 21 St. Stephen’s Street, Bristol BS1 1EQ
活動形式 / Mode:實體活動 / Physical event
語言 / Language: 英文及廣東話 / English and Cantonese
名額 / Capacity:20
報名方法 / Registration: https://forms.gle/z3HhEgNWJLxGY8SMA
費用 / Cost:免費 / Free
截止登記時間 / Deadline for registration:07/10/2022
查詢 / Enquires:Lareina Tam 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭西南部 ) Regional Outreach Coordinator (Southwest England) [email protected]
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