14個香港人隊伍,遍佈12個城市🌆一齊參加嚟緊嘅St Jude Walk/Run籌款活動

文章: 19507
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

14個香港人隊伍,遍佈12個城市🌆一齊參加嚟緊嘅St Jude Walk/Run籌款活動

文章 emily »

🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ 今年我哋有14個香港人隊伍,遍佈香港12個城市🌆一齊參加嚟緊嘅St Jude Walk/Run籌款活動。截至琴日9月11日為上我哋一共有93位參加者,籌集咗超過US$7,000(仲未完㗎)去支持呢一個非常有意義嘅活動。🙌

1️⃣ 登記同我哋一齊參加當日嘅活動!
2️⃣ 捐款支持以下任何一個隊伍!
3️⃣ 可以去Artual4Charity (https://artual4charity.printify.me/products) 去買任何產品。扣除成本後盈利會捐比St Jude.
4️⃣ 廣傳呢個post同埋分享係你哋社交媒體上,提高大家對呢個活動嘅認識!

🎉 Exciting news!
🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ This year, we have 14 incredible teams gearing up for the St. Jude Walk/Run in 12 cities! 🌆 Together, we've rallied 93 participants and raised over $7,000 (and counting) to support an amazing cause. 🙌

Here's how you can join in and make a difference:
1️⃣ Register to walk/run with us!
2️⃣ Donate to one of the city teams below!
3️⃣ Purchase a product from Artual4Charity (https://artual4charity.printify.me/products). Proceed net costs will be donated to St Jude Children Hospital.
4️⃣ Spread the word and share this post to raise awareness!

Let's come together to make a positive impact on the lives of children battling illness. 💪💛

#StJudeWalkRun #FundraisingForACause #TogetherWeCanMakeADifference

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