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Memo Ries - a Hong Kong Lennon Wall Documentary Photo Exhibition is currently held at Beaver Art Gallery

發表於 : 週二 9月 12, 2023 11:07 pm
#英文 #國際
Memo Ries - a Hong Kong Lennon Wall Documentary Photo Exhibition is currently held at Beaver Art Gallery in Downtown Toronto. The event started from Sept 9 - 14.

The photographer, who remain anonymous, had taken all the Lennon Walls throughout #HongKong during the protest in 2019.

Postcards and books are sold as fund raising to support Bonham Tree Aid, an NGO based in UK which supports activists who are arrested in Hong Kong.

There are also volunteers to explain each of the photos, how those Lennon Walls were made, and what happened during the protest to local Canadians and Hong Kong immigrants.

As a person who had actually been to some of those places, looking at those pictures brought a lot of memories back. Those Lennon Walls aren't just art, but they represent our statement, hopes, dreams, and demands. To some people, there was a kind of attachment towards it but is now totally destroyed by violence.
These photos not only save our history but also tell us that our hope remains.