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格拉斯哥網絡安全工作坊 Cybersecurity Workshop in Glasgow

發表於 : 週三 11月 15, 2023 4:30 pm
Cybersecurity Workshop in Glasgow

今時今日,大家的日常生活都離不開網絡世界,The Hong Kong Scots 將舉辦網絡安全工作坊,希望提高各位的網絡安全意識,令大家好好保障個人私隱,成為一個精明的網絡使用者。工作坊將涵蓋網絡安全的基本知識,重點內容包括:
- 選擇防毒軟件和 VPN 供應商
- 使用公共 WiFi 時如何自動接駁 VPN
- 避免成為網絡罪行的受害人和防止國家機器的監控
- 減少電話應用程式的追蹤和熱門網站的資料收集
- 家用 Smart Hub 的潛在風險

The internet is an integral part of our daily lives nowadays. The Hong Kong Scots are going to hold a cybersecurity workshop to share best practices on safeguarding personal information and how to become a wise user of the internet. The workshop will cover fundamental aspects of online security, highlights include:
- Choosing antivirus softwares and VPN providers
- Connecting smartphones to VPNs automatically when using public WiFi
- Safeguarding against cybercrimes and surveillance
- Minimising unnecessary tracking and data collection on apps and websites
- Potential risks associated with Smart Hubs at home

活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date : 26/11/2023 (星期日 / Sunday)
時間 / Time : 12:00nn - 1:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : The Haberdashery (545 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G3 7PQ)
講者 / Speaker : Andy, The Hong Kong Scots 代表 / Representative from The Hong Kong Scots
語言 / Language : 粤語 / Cantonese
報名方法 / Registration : https://shorturl.at/aoDOX
名額 / Capacity : 20
查詢  / Enquiries : [email protected]
Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy.