🇬🇧香港監察【2022-23 英國青年倡議計劃】— 英國國會工作坊 及 國會實習計劃

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註冊時間: 週三 10月 12, 2022 4:26 pm

🇬🇧香港監察【2022-23 英國青年倡議計劃】— 英國國會工作坊 及 國會實習計劃

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Hong Kong Watch
🇬🇧香港監察【2022-23 英國青年倡議計劃】— 英國國會工作坊 及 國會實習計劃
⚠️申請將於3天後截止 報名從速
📅日期:2022 年 10月 27日
📝如欲參與工作坊,請📧電郵履歷及申請信至 [email protected] ,說明對工作坊感興趣的原因(最多一頁)。如有任何問題亦歡迎電郵查詢。
📅截止日期:2023年 10月 14日
📅計劃時期:2023 年 1 月 4月
🇬🇧Youth Initiative Program 2022-23 — Hong Kong Watch Parliamentary Workshop
In recognition of many newly arrived Hong Kongers’ desire to participate in civic and political life in the UK, Hong Kong Watch will be hosting a one-day workshop.
⭐️Hong Kong Watch Parliamentary Workshop
📅Date:27 October
The one-day workshop is an opportunity for Hongkongers in the UK to receive training and learn more about the British political system, as well as meet Hong Kong Watch staff and patrons.
The day will be divided into talks by people in the British government and civil society who have experience related to Hong Kong, as well as interactive discussions on topics related to Hong Kong and the UK. There will be a focus on the UK Parliament, advocacy, communications, and the role of the international community.
✅Hongkongers with aspirations to work in politics, human rights, and other adjacent fields in the UK will be able to meet each other, and meet with people who are already working in the field. They will be able to meet people who have worked in British politics, Hong Kong-related advocacy, and hear about their experiences and directly ask them questions.
📝Interested candidates should send their CV and a cover letter on why they are interested in this workshop (maximum one-page) by 📧 email to [email protected] . Please also email this address if you have any questions.
📅Deadline: October 14, 2022
⭐️Cross-party parliamentary internship programme
Hong Kong Watch will also be launching a cross-party parliamentary internship programme.
📅 January to April 2023.
💡More details will be provided to attendees of the Parliamentary Workshop
📜Hong Kong Watch launches UK Parliamentary Workshop and Internship Programme
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